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5 Reasons Why Blogging is a Must for Your Business

Feb 14, 2019

Like email and social media marketing, blogging is a tactic used by online businesses to get more visibility. It is a marketing channel that helps support your business growth online. This is done through various avenues and we cover exactly how blogging helps your online growth with 5 reasons why blogging is a must for any online business.


1.    Helps increase traffic to your website

As an online business, you are only as successful as the amount of traffic you drive to your website. The more the traffic, the more chances of sales. It is important that you employ all the tactics in the books to boost SEO and attract visitors. Blogging assists with the whole process.

Blogging helps drive traffic and boost SEO in the following ways:

  • Enhance organic SEO: With a blog integrated into your website, every time you post an article, you have a chance to use keywords and build links. You basically create new content related to keywords you want to target which helps with your SEO strategy.
  • Content for and visibility on social media: There are two ways blogs help your social media campaign. First, it gives you content to post on social media. Second, it allows others to share your content on their social media, giving you a wider audience. Both of which will direct more traffic to your website, once the blog is clicked on.

2.    Keeps your prospects and customer’s engaged and strengthens your relationship with them

The more you engage your prospects and customer, the more chances there is of them buying from you. Engagement is key for any business to succeed online.

With a blog, you have the opportunity to constantly connect with your audience. This type of connection is far deeper than sending them discounts and sale promotions. Through blogs, you are enlightening them and providing them with tips and how-tos of how your services and products can enhance their business. The more value you add and insight you provide the more engagement you will get.

This process also builds a sense of trust between you and your customers. It shows them that you care about their business growth by providing them with such insights. Blogs also allow them to comment on your post and give their feedback which you can respond to directly on each post. All of which provides a deeper bond between you and your customers.

3.    It helps establish you as a thought leader in the industry

Blogs aren’t just great for engagement but can also help establish you as a thought leader in the industry in the eyes of your customers. This is accomplished when you provide answers to questions that your customers and prospects have. Questions that are common and answers that add value to their business.

Think about it, when you look for solutions online, wouldn’t the process be made easier if businesses provided you with information that cleared any confusion you might have had about a solution? You know giving you a deeper insight into their solution and how it is used and can benefit your business? With the help of educational blog posts, a business can accomplish just that, which will help establish them as an authority within their industry.

4.    Enables customers to connect with your brand

Outbound marketing techniques are more in your face and tend to be sales-oriented. Blogs allow you to showcase a more personal side of your business. It generally isn’t, your face sales, but a subtle approach to it. It also presents a chance for you to share your organization’s vision, standards, and personality for customers to connect.

5.    It is a long-term marketing tactic

Once you post a blog on your website, it remains there until you decide to take it down. This means that for as long as it remains up, search engines will show it in results when someone searches for the topic the blog is on. So while your blog may only get 50 views in the first week, the views will continue to grow.

It doesn’t just stop at search engines with blogs. Since blogs are shareable content, there is a good chance customers may share your post if they find it to be helpful for others in their social circle. Which will also aid in directing traffic your way. This collectively works to get you the visibility you would want and continues to work until you decide to take the post down, which is probably never going to happen.

Edited By: Haniyeh Rasti Lari